There will be flower power


........ Noir’s light paws scuffled the soft dirt over the mixed seeds, and afterwards she stomped on the earth eagerly, although not completely flattening the soft earth. Her tail waved merrily in the brilliant sunlight. Although this was work, the girl found it pleasant. The light girl was not entirely sure if it was just her or a fact, but it seemed that Oceane had changed a bit lately. The girl with the sea foam eyes had used to be a bit more of a troublemaker, something similar to Attila, only with more active brainwaves. Lately she had seemed to calm down, and Noir was realizing that she was actually enjoying the time she spent with her only sister. It was a good thing, she had always meant that the two girls should get better along with eachother.

Her sister’s reply made a soft smile appear on her delicate face. The girl’s golden orbs released the ground to gaze upon her darker sister. It was true though, Noir had managed to learn a lot on her own, but it was still not as effective as listening to the adults. She did not know the names of he butterflies, for example. There were lots of colours though, and the same went for flowers. The tan girl had decided that she wanted to do something with flowers when she grew up. Maybe make them bloom everywhere in the whole land. She could spend whole days worshiping the delicious plants. ”But they are so pretty, Oce. And they smell very very nice!” She wondered why none of her siblings realized just how special the flourishing life around them were.


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