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The cool water seeped into her coat and made her skin relax. She enjoyed this time to think, it let some of her inner anger let go and a more peacful feeling engulf her. Her paradise wasn't going to last long for today. The sound of an approaching wolf with a scent she knew all to well. Cringing Svara didn't turn to look at the women who she knew was there. The she wolf had the ability to ruin everything she touched. Still standing in the water she wondered what she would do to confront the women. Maybe she should treat her like she had Cwmfen.

Turning around Svara headed to the shore and grabbing her staff and red cloth Seeing the women with her one good eye. It had been a long time, one she had cherished. Veiwing the women with a glance that was deadly and also unconcerned she finally spoke. "You look like a dumb ass hidding behind that tree." Her husky voice was stated in a matter of fact way. Svara really couldn't wait for the day to kill this bitch. To bad today wasn't the day.


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