Subterranean Homesick Blues

She just wouldn’t let it take over her. She would't think about it. She would ignore it. Later it would sink in, and change her forever, but now she needed to be who she was, for Haven. She needed to be the soft girl that could hold him and emotionally be there for her brother. She had to be understanding and caring. When the truth set it, falling deeply into her mind and heart, she wouldn’t be that way for some time. But now she could be his rock, his stable place while his world crumbled.

Her ear turned to take his words in, separating them from the sobs and harsh breaths. Soft and almost inaudible Mati had to turn them over in her mind many times in order to understand what he meant. Still she didn’t. What was he talking about? In her mind he said that he wasn’t coming home, ever... The taller girl moved away from her brother, and looked at his face. It was matted from tears and broken by the weight of his own realization. I can’t help you in you don’t come home. Her words wearing a strength that hadn’t been present between them since she found him here.

He would leave her? Leave her as if he didn’t help her as much as she wanted to help him. Mati couldn’t comprehend why he wanted to leave, there would be nothing more painful. No memory that he might stir in their mother would be a harmful as knowing that he was gone, and never coming back. Mati already felt abandoned, and he was still sitting beside her. How would it feel knowing that he wouldn’t be part of their pack, of their family? You would leave me? It was a selfish thing to say, but Mati couldn’t manage all the emotions she felt, plus the ones that she fought to hide and fought to ignore. Unable to look him in the eye, Mati let her vision flood with tears. It was an easier picture to look at.


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