a hundred thousand destinations

.......XD Do you remember the name of the RP we were at where you played Anu and I played Desperado? I think that was before 2004?! omg I can't believe I've been RPing so long O___O And what was that one where you had Samir?


.......Hemming's gaze followed hers back down to the water, and his smile deepened a little when he noticed that the jellyfish was gone completely. Neither wolf had been stung either, which was an added bonus. Now that the two had accomplished their mission, the gray male was not sure what they could do. The situation was only as awkward as you made it, though, and before he could speak again she offered him her name. Smiling and looking back up to her, he said, "I'm Hemming. Nice job, there. We work well together." Another genuine smile was flashed at her as he thought of how nice it was to be on a team again.

.......Though it seemed like it had taken a long time and the two wolves had been careful in their movements, the sun was only begining to leave its place in the highest bit of the sky for the horizon. The effort that had been placed in concentrating on their task had left Hemming a little worn out. The cool water between his toes was keeping him alert, though; were he out basking on the beach he would probably be asleep already.


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