Subterranean Homesick Blues

Suddenly she couldn’t listen, and in an instant she was becoming selfish. And she was completely aware of the transformation. Mati tried to stop the crying, and she looked at him strongly knowing that he could say nothing that would curb her feelings. If he wasn’t leaving her, then why did it feel like he was already miles away? Mati couldn’t hate him for his decision, and tried repeatedly to understand. But each time she came up short.

Trying to compose herself Mati only managed to shake her head. The words would not come to her throat, and if she could find what she wanted to say they would have been nothing more then a jumbled mess of vowels. All she could manage to do was look into the green eyes he held, searching for a way to make him stay. She was met with the same unhappiness. The same sense of helplessness and insecurity. She nodded then, and touched the hand he extended. It was a soft brush of her fingers, instead of the tight cling that had previously held him, letting him go. Ok, Haven. Her voice was soft, almost lost in the empty room.

The girl rose, and without a second glance she left. She couldn’t face the idea, couldn’t face any of the truths that were right in front of her nose. No, she needed to get away. She needed to find a place to think, and let the emotion take over with no one watching. If he was going then she wouldn’t stop him, but she also couldn’t help. He would have to tell their mothers himself because she wasn’t going home either, not tonight anyways.


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