It's alright ma (I'm only bleeding)

bring on the hurt…

It was late, and the female sat on the porch. The spring’s cool air clung to her growing mane and sent it waving in the breeze. She let it grow, letting it begin the change she hoped to trigger internally. She had yet to find the spark, but still the woman was able to say she was rebuilding the tattered pieces that remained of her heart. Stronger now, Anu could finally be at peace with no distraction. But it wasn’t easy.

She held a book, though still fought to read the printed words. Settling to look at them again a song drifted to her ears, pulling at the very heartstrings she hoped to strengthen and repair. It made her stand instantly, knowing the voice and the familiar pain she knew so well. The combination frightened her, and her name sung through the night air made her take to her feet with swift haste.

It had been weeks since seeing her son, and his absence had not gone unnoticed. His return would be a happy one, or at least she hoped. Deep in her mind there was a part that told her something different, and as she ran Anu prepared herself. Though nothing could prepare her for what she saw when she lay eyes on him.

He stood too close to the boarder, like a stranger in his own home and Anu instantly understood. His eyes looked hollow, like there was nothing living beneath the shell of her son. She slowed, her breath as calm as if she had walked. Instantly Anu moved towards him, and without hesitation she took him in her arms. Wordlessly she spoke that she missed him, told that she wanted him as her kin no matter what he had done or what he felt. She accepted him into her heart, knowing whom he looked like and somehow knowing that he was fully aware.

Her heart beat with a drum-line rhythm, tapping in her ear. How she loved her favored child, and in that instant she didn’t care who knew of her favoritism.


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