It's alright ma (I'm only bleeding)
oh man, I might cry ;.; 300+

It seemed as if it took no time at all between the time he called for her and when her form appeared on the horizon. The sight of her made his breath catch in his throat and he had to fight to keep tears from coming to his eyes. He knew how he looked, even without seeing himself in a mirror. He was a sorry excuse for her son, an empty facade of the happy boy she had played in the pumpkin patch with. He could feel his heart breaking even more. It had started that night with Mati, but now the fissure grew longer and deeper. Never had he thought to leave this place. He loved Crimson Dreams and all who resided her. But he had changed, and this could no longer be his home. He had to find his own way.

As she wrapped her arms around him he clung to her, burying his nose in her fur, breathing in her scent. Haven had missed her. Burnt orange fingers grasped at her, fearing she might dissolve away. Still he held back the tears, but it was becoming harder and harder to do so. His ears folded back and he closed his empty jade eyes. "Mom..." he whispered. He didn't care if they had no blood relations. She was his mother. She always had been and she always would be. But now he was going to do something that would no doubt hurt her, just as it had hurt Mati.

Haven let the silence hang in the air a few moments longer. He wished this moment could last forever. He wished he could be a child again, snuggled up against her at night with his siblings all around. He wanted their happy little family back. He wished he had never grown up. "I know what he did..." Those words dripped with shame. Why couldn't he have truly been her son instead of his'?


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