It's alright ma (I'm only bleeding)

She had no reason to be sorry, not really. At first he had been upset at the fact he had found the news out from a complete stranger instead of either of his mothers, but he understood now. They had only been trying to protect him. To keep that harsh truth from hurting him. How could he expect them to want to talk about it either? He wondered at times if that all had been part of the reason that they were no longer together. Maybe it had all just been too much. Too hard to get past. The boy couldn't imagine what it must have been like for them. For Anu, knowing that her children were not her's, that they were the spawn of some wretched creature. For Naniko bearing that burden that he had shoved upon her and making it worse by giving his looks to one of their sons.

When his mother told him that she wanted him to stay he wanted to say yes. He wanted to say yes and go back with her to the house and pretend like none of this had happened. Let her and the rest of the pack mend his broken spirit. But that wasn't possible. "I can't..." A single tear broke through and rolled down his cheek. Would she be mad? Would she run away from him like his sister had? Haven wouldn't be able to blame her if she did, but he hoped she would understand. He didn't know if he could handle hating himself more than he already did. "I'm sorry. I just can't." Please don't hate me.

"But I still need you." Maybe that would help. It was true. Just because he couldn't live in Crimson Dreams anymore didn't meant he was never coming back. He loved his family more than anything and could never leave them behind.


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