Her words piqued his interest. A library, medicinal stores, and a fire place. Hmm. Sounded nice. Then he did a double take. "In there?" he asked, motioning towards the door with his muzzle. The place looked so small... But then, he'd only seen it from one side. If it was the typical ranch house, it probably had a couple of wings to it, for ranch-hands, laundry, and such. "It looks kind of small from here. I guess it's just the vantage point?"

When she'd brightened, her face had changed. She looked... Happy, comfortable. Proud, even. She seemed to be settling in better than him. Pheonix Valley still felt like just a pit-stop for him, as many places had. Now that he thought about it, not once in his life had he felt eny stimulus that made him understand what someone meant when they said a place felt like home. It wasn't that he never stuck around, usually when he stopped somewhere, he stuck around for at lest a little while. Almost always long enough to at least get to know people. MAybe it was his childhood. Maybe it was how different this place was from Death Valley. Maybe it was just who he was that made it hard to feel like he belonged.

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