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OOC:bloopbloop goes the fishie

Svara never thought Haku an idiot, but the moment the words passed through his lips, she knew he was one. How could he be so stupid? His teeth embedded into her shoulder she withered under his brutal efforts. Her one good yellow eye looked at him. "I've been yours since the moment you threw me in that room." She said still in a breathless husky voice. She turned her head to the side refusing to look at him, seeing everything she wished she could have. Her face was blank, holding back all the emotions building up inside her.

"All I've ever wanted was to be can you not see that haku Soul?" Her body was soaked in her own blood as she was starting to feel dizzy. It didn't matter. She was a horrible being for wanting him, for thinking she had a chance to make him see it all. She had someone who would die for her, and she threw it away just for one chance to make Haku love her, want her. Claws dug into the dirt with her frustration and growing failure. Damn him for not seeing it, Damn herself for not making it more obvious.


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