a hundred thousand destinations

.......Though he would hold what he had said to be true - that nothing was perfect - he would be quite alright with neglecting that thought. There were a few things he could think of that he would not hesitate to call perfect. One could do all the theorizing they liked, but in the end, most of the ideas of this sort developed would not be applied to everyday life. Hemming, though he was quite fond of his ideas, liked to live in the moment.

.......After Anu was off the rock, the male let her hand slip gently out of his and started to wander out deeper into the water. He wasn't a strong swimmer, but when he got to a sufficient depth, he pushed himself off the basement of the sea and began to float on his back. As his body waved back and forth with the waves, he noted that the sky above him was a perfect blue, and that the sea was a perfect temperature.

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