Missing some of the pieces


[ooc; burning with a fire red]

Leroy didn't know what to do, but in that same moment he knew exactly what must be done. The husky never felt the cold, sickening feeling leave his gut, it twisted in his stomach like a creeping parasite that seemed to make his gut shudder lightly. Looking down his brows pushed together, so much has been done to her that it made Leroy sick. The lump in his throat was still there, holding back his breath as he listened so closely to Svara, but still the lump felt so tight at the top of Leroy's throat as the pressure filled the back of his jaws.

It felt way too quite, but Leroy was afraid to break the silence that surrounded the two. Afriad that if anything went wrong, if he was to loud he might scatter his own world. That the one woman who hated him, that he loved would slip away without him even doing something to hold on to her. His chest thumped so loudly that he could feel his chest shudder with each heart beat that ticked by, each beat mingled with the painful thudding from every strained breath along with the burning pain that threatened to leak from his ruby eyes.

The sound of his heart was driving him crazy, why can't he hear her. Why is he so loud and everything else so damn slow and quite? Leroy slowly licked at her face again, washing away the bright blood from her cheek. The taste that once was sweet in their games instantly made his eyes burn with hidden tears. Ears moved forward at the smallest of movements that made Leroy hold his breath, those yellow eyes meet his and all the air he held in was released in a relieved sigh. Svara is alive. The black and white handsome face watched for a moment as Svara looked up at him, a small smile tugged at his pink maw showing the happiness and worry he was feeling.

Ever so gently he held her, pulling her up slightly closer to his body to calm her, keep her warm. Anything that would keep her from falling away. Though her words made his brows push together for a brief moment as he stared at her face again, who are you, the words stung slightly but he could not think about them now. Slowly one hand carefully rubbed the fur in between her ears before placing it back to hold her better.

His voice was deep and kind but Leroy also spoke softly to her. "I-It's me. My name is Leroy." His answer was loving and simple. His red eyes fought the tears and the pressure in his throat that burned, as he watched Svara press her head to him. Leroy's breathing shuddered whiled he carefully held her to him in a protective manner, rubbing her back in a comforting way as he glanced about the area. hurry. please hurry. Her next words made him chuckle a sad laugh as he smile a wde kind smile before speaking though his voice didn't crack but the hidden tears rolled onto his cheeks before sinking into his coat. "you, you are Svara..you are a very important person to me.." Pausing he shut his eyes but the tears would not obey him, pushing silently through his lashes.

Taking a deep breath Leroy didn't try to hide the tears but smiled at her, she needed his help right now not his sadness. Clearing his throat he let her settle into him,he will all he needs to take care of her. Ears flattened as guilt filled his heart, this is all his fault all of it. Red eyes looked at Svara before whispering in the same comforting tones. "It'll be ok, I promise. I'm so sorry Svara. The others will be here to help soon." Pausing he went to nuzzle her but stopped before speaking/ "I won't let you go, I won't let you die" Red eyes ever watching, ears listening no he will not give in.

table by Syd


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