Springtime is the land awakening

She was watching Dawali closely, listening to his words with concentration. She wanted to take everything in; it wasn't often that Ember got to hear about these sorts of things, tribal things...she wanted to know more and more. She didn't realize that she was frowning, so deeply focused she was, until the leader looked straight up at her. He'd said her name. Well...he hadn't been talking to her or about her, but about the actual embers themselves. The way that he said the word made her tingle, and a shiver ran down her back. She let a smile replace the frown that had taken her face, rubbing her hands together a little to try and get rid of the tingly feeling. Her father had named her Ember after another wolf, a wolf he had been close to that had died. It was a used name, a name that she had never really appreciated a whole lot. Now it felt kind of special, though, when he said it like that. Ember.

She rose to put sand on the fire with the others, then returned to her spot to see what was coming next. She did not put so much focus onto Dawali this time, observing lightly. When the time came she ate, ears taking in the sounds of the flute in the background. She danced along with the others to the melodies, laughing and twirling about, giving in to the festivities. But all the while she kept glancing back to her friend, watching him play. Was he going to dance with them? If he did, the music would be gone. Breaking away from the group, she approached him and sat down on the leather next to him. What a wonderful tribe...and a great night. They had a good life. Ember would remember this for the rest of her days.


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