Warn your warmth to turn away.

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The dark man did not respond to that voiced name. His lips twitched in a sneer. Once more his daughter was mistaken for ‘finding’ security within the arms of another. Dahlia de Mai would not protect her. This Onus could not protect her as he now protected this child. Her sense of security and confidence would make his work easier. And soon the coyote would see as well. Or perhaps that cloth that bound his eyes blinded him. And the pied brute exhaled sharply at his words in mockery and was silent. It was because ‘scum’ like him that people like Onus even existed, that innocence and goodness could even persist. It was because of him that the world was able to exist, and the world was his place to rule. For his deeds, the Korean would take what was rightfully his, however transitory those rights may be. And right now, the coyote had taken that girl. A black cloud rose broodingly within him, silently thundering.

The coyote dodged his attack, but the Korean could expect no less of this fighter. And having dodged his attacks, Onus had moved too far from him. The pied brute liked his fights to commence with proximity. And so the male did not dodge the swiftly executed kick that dropped him to his knees. The black orbs watched the girl as the blindfolded opponent came up behind him. The strength of the coyote was greater than what the wolf had anticipated, but Onus was close enough. Now upon the floor, the Korean had greater stability. For a moment, the bloodied hands of the crow wolf grasped the arm of the coyote that squeezed the air from him. Then he attacked, his left arm shooting back to elbow the coyote in the solar plexus and his right reaching up, those black claws grasping with an iron grip both flesh and coat. With a shifting of his weight and a slight lift of his shoulder, the male sought to pull the coyote over him, throwing him to the ground before he would return the favor and squeeze the air from him.


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