Missing some of the pieces
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table8.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

It was a pleasant day and Haven was seated against a tree a good ways from where the beach started. His guitar sat in his lap and his fingers moved along the strings, forming a melody that floated softly through the air. While he had followed Jacquez back to the beach, he had opted to not occupy the house with the rest of them. For one it was crowded and secondly he didn't want to face anymore of the red female's poison-tipped tongue. He was doing better than he had been for over a month, but still, he didn't desire such company as that. Eventually he would have to suck it up and face her, but for now he was more content to steer clear of her. He actually hadn't seen anyone else since coming here, but it hadn't been long.

Though a sudden pained call broke the peaceful air and the boy's hair stood on end. He didn't recognize the voice, but with the proximity it was a good guess that something had happened to one of the group. Quickly he got to his feet and slung the guitar so it rested on his back and took off in the direction of the distress call. His heart pounded in his ears as he ran. He hoped nothing had happened to Ruri. With how rocky the shore could be it wouldn't be hard for her to lose her way and footing and hurt herself. He had been farther away than he had thought and by the time others came into sight many had already come.

Though the sight that greeted his jade eyes was worse than he could have imagined. The scent of the red she wolf's blood hung in the air like a fog, making him want to choke. Her lifeblood was everywhere, her tail was mutilated, and perhaps most disturbing was the fur that had been torn from her back to spell out the word "whore". Haven stomach churned and his hands balled into fists. He hadn't like the girl, but he never would have wished something like this on her. This was unbelievably brutal. The screams of terror that ripped from her throat made him wince. He set his guitar in the sand and went to join the rest, though kept some distance. "What can I do?" His voice was somber and low.


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