You found me

He wasn't sure why he had returned to the city today. Maybe he just needed to get away from the group of outcasts for a while. What had befallen Svara had made him sick and everyone was on edge. He was still trying to figure out his own life and the subdued atmosphere at the small house was exactly what he didn't need right now. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his ragged jeans as he wandered the empty streets. He had made certain to take a course that was nowhere near the bar he had lived in. He didn't need that temptation.

Unexpectedly a familiar scent came to his sensitive nose and his eyes grew wide. Siobhan... He hadn't seen her since he had kissed her that day. Guilt rose in his gut like an unwelcome bile. Would she even want to see him? Mati had said that she didn't seem upset, but still. Haven chewed his lip, trying to decide if he should follow her trail or not. With a sigh he went after her, unable to stay away, even though he might not be getting a warm welcome.

He followed her scent to the entrance of a church. His head peeked through the entryway and saw her form at the front. Her pure coat was illuminated by the light filtering in like some angel. He swallowed hard, a lump having formed in his throat. The boy could feel his heartbeat increase just at the sight of her. He tried to speak, but no words came out, as if his voice had been shut off.


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