The most beautiful thing we can experience

WC: 365
And I'm super-sorry too~! Sad

His little nose poked her excitedly, and she felt a flutter of joy uplifting her spirits. What an adorable child! She had been afraid that her brothers would harbor all the cruel habits of their insidious parents, but perhaps she was wrong all along, and being surrounded by good people would nurture the good in them. It made her hesitant to unveil a less-than-savory snippet of their past, but she couldn't hide it from the fluffy child if she wanted to remain in his life. "R-riddle! That's a good way to look at it. Why... why do you think I look like your daddy?" she chirped, keeping her tone as light as she could. She just prayed that it didn't piss Haku off to learn that his children kept drawing closer together, Colibri and Willow and now Emwe. It wasn't their fault; they all seemed to crave the attention and love he denied them.

"Under the fl-floor?!" Coli sputtered anxiously, her imagination running with the idea. Her brothers had been locked up in a dungeon? Just who was this sadistic uncle of theirs? "I thought you said he was nice, Emwe! That doesn't sound very safe to me..." Confused, the wolf slowly shook her head. She must be missing something here. Her ears pricked forward as she caught the sounds of scratching beneath the ground they tread upon, and her paws drew to a halt, frozen in place. Being small and unconfident made her not the best hunter when it came to larger creatures, but she had grown adept at snagging small prey such as rodents. If Emwe was as hungry as he claimed to be, it shouldn't matter what she caught for him. He appeared too chubby to be a picky eater. The slim wolf drew up on her hind legs, and then pounced, crushing the soft mole tunnel beneath her dainty paws. She then nosed through the soft loam until she found what she'd been looking for - a small lump of velvety fur, still warm to the touch. "For you! Have you ever tried a mole before?" She smiled shyly, cream-furred tail waving slowly behind her. Would her gift be received well?


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