You found me

There had barely been a day that had gone by that he hadn't thought of her. That he hadn't worried over their friendship. After she had ran away from him that day he had worried that he had hurt her in some way. It was fine if she hadn't liked him in the way he liked her, but he didn't want to lose her as a friend. Then after he had found out about his father he had hated himself for kissing her like that. He should have asked her if he could instead of just doing it. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her. While he was doing better with the idea that he was not his father and wouldn't do what he did, standing there looking at her made all those fears rise inside him again.

His feet felt frozen to the ground. He didn't know what to do. Should he go to her? Or should he just leave her alone? The boy had no idea if she would be mad at him or upset, and if she was what reason it would be. There were probably plenty of reasons for her to be angry with him. Though if she was, he would take it. He deserved it after what he'd done. All he had wanted was to make her happy. To show her that life could be good, that she deserved to be cared for and treated right. Just another failure to add to his ever growing list.

Then he heard her cry. It was a soft sound, and if it hadn't been so quiet he might not have heard. Why was she crying? What was she thinking? Had somebody else hurt her? His concern for her then was enough for him to move forward. He took slow steps into the church, going down the aisle towards her. His ears were back against his head. "S...Si..?" he murmured. His hand tentatively reached out for her.


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