Was I born as a promise to keep the peace
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ooc -
tiny bit of powerplay, hope you don't mind, let me know if you'd like me to change it! 330 words.

ic -
Tokyo was not in a good mood. Two days ago the idea had struck her to explore, to poke around and figure out where the other packs of the land were. She was pretty sure she had found all the packs east of home; she had run into the brain-fever wolf from the place called Phoenix Valley, and pretty thoroughly wandered the unclaimed areas before stumbling onto Dahlian lands. She had struck out to the south, slightly westward. If she had thought her pack's territory was large, the forest she had encountered was huge.

It had fallen dark before she had realized just how much time she'd spent; the place was completely empty, and creeped her out. Too scary to navigate when not even the starlight could pierce through the foliage. So she spent the night, and come this morning, she continued through the forest, too stubborn to consider turning around. When she broke free and explored enough to content her brief flare of wanderlust, she'd just follow the edge of that forest back up towards Dahlia - no way was she going back in there, even if it added a couple days to her journey.

Finally, though, she was out. The scent of a pack-land hit her strong, and she was drawn curiously towards it. Food had been too scarce in that place. She wanted to tip-toe across onto their pack-lands, grab a rabbit or just a mouse or two, maybe a nice drink from a cool stream, and scurry off to take a midday nap on the safer side of the border. Almost immediately after she crossed the line, there was a rustling in the brush. Tokyo wasn't a great hunter, and so when the opportunity presented itself so tidily she took it before fully considering the situation. It was only after she had pounced and landed on top of the small, wriggling, furry thing that she realized as rodent-like as it was, this was a wolf puppy, not prey.


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