A Paper Thin Hymn

I was going to go to bed, but now I feel like i finally can..

A day so pleasant, reminded her of another. Each time she drifted here Anu always held a memory in her heart. It was a foolish thing to hold onto, but she did so many foolish things. When they had both been so hurt, and they let their minds become dazed by sweet wine how could they resist the temptation? Anu found it hard, and indulged more then once in the comfort of another while under the influence of the liquor, but she knew that the other had been far too innocent. There were moments when Anu fear she had corrupted some part of the young woman, but then… what lasting affect could be have on anyone? Such questions and such thoughts fell heavy on her mind too often, not just while she trespassed the Dahlia lands. But in the early morning as she lay in bed, or when a warm wild touched her face gently, and while she tended to the plants of her own garden. Cerulean orbs looked down at the flora that surrounded her, and now as she stood among the bountiful plot. A smile came to her face.

She would indulge, while her eyes took in the soft faces that were turned upward and sought the warmth of the sun and her nose breathed in their sweet tickling smell. Her heart was her constant companion, beating the seconds by and sharing its rhythm with her ears. It beat pleasantly, ticking along with the time, as she stood still and calm between the flower’s rows. Hand still holding the scarlet pimpernel, she ran a soft finger of the pedals and felt the silk texture beneath her gentle fingertip. A question remained, the owner of such a delightful place, tapping against her mind. She was content on exploring further before seeking out the one that tending to it’s roots, until the air shifted and pollen no longer held her sensitive sense. Looking up, light blue eyes found the figure of a young wolfess. Her stature was slight, her frame lean and wrapped in short earthen toned fur. She looked to the pale face, her milk and honey toned cheeks the milieu for blue eyes Anu recognized. The flower sat in her hand, and she fought not to crush it in her surprise. Looking down at it Anu found it safe, and immediately returned her gaze to the female. Her smile was replaced by a soft shock that rang through her body, and she found the same sort of reaction written on the other. Mind fought for the words she should speak, and felt it appropriate for her to explain herself.

Is this your garden? A feeble attempt at explaining why she stood among the rows of plants, plucking them from their stems as if she owned them. Her voice was soft, as it always was when she grew cautious. Though she wanted to be strong, it was hard when in the presence of someone so beautiful.


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