Missing some of the pieces
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

Sorry for the lateness of this post...let's just attribute it to Ruri's slowness because she can't get very far very fast without help.

The blind girl had heard the cries of pain and agony from quite a ways off, as had Jacquez and the rest of the group evidentally because she was now by herself, struggling to find her way towards the sound of the pained cries. She already knew who it was that was hurt. Her hyper sensitive ears could recognize that voice anywhere, even if it was being used in a higher pitched howl of anguish. Svara was hurt. How badly, she did not know, but she assumed it must have been very badly due to the fact that she had heard repeated cries of pain coming from the area in the distance. For now, however, the fragile optime was trying her hardest to simply get to the scene. This was quite difficult as she was in her bipedal form and was having to feel with her footpaws with every step she took, which slowed her frantic pace significantly. She had been with Jac until the cry for help had first been called and her king and close companion had left in a mad dash, leaving Ruri to shuffle her way towards the scene. That had been several minutes ago and now she was close enough to hear the numerous voices that seemed to all chatter at once. She recognized all but one of the voices. Leroy, Firefly, Jacquez, Haven and Svara were all there although Svara seemed confused as well as hurt. The scent of the female's blood flooded the blind female's sensitive nostrils making it impossible for her to discern where things all were. So, standing on the edges of the scene, the fragile girl could do nothing except play with her hair nervously, praying silently to some unknown deity that the gruff healer woman would be okay.


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