She wanted love


Her tongue traced his skin and sent a solitary shiver through his body. Their eyes stayed locked together as he brought her sharp nails to his skin. Some places her nails went deep, other places shallow, barely tracing his skin. There was electricity running between them. This felt so right. He could see her wicked soul burn in her eyes, and he already felt slightly lost, unable to resist the soul that was so similar to his own in many ways. Her voice caressed him lightly, made his head spin. Haku Soul did not belong to anyone, but no complaint rose from his body. There was definitely something, she already had him in a grasp like no one else had ever managed before. Firefly had been a pleasant flight, a soul that he had tormented because he could not abandon his ways.

He cupped her delicate face, thumb brushing her cheek lovingly, as a lover would. She was like fire to touch. A hand quietly settled on her back and steered her closer. The hand that was beneath her chin slowly brought the woman closer to his throat. ”Make me yours.” he quietly suggested, the symbolism of his words connecting her that of a Vampire. In the end, that was what she was. A demonic power imprisoned in a luperci’s body. Daughter of the Night. The Lilium had to reach the Rosea and the Adonis before his enemies could, and the female already played with willingly. She would grant him salvation and immunity from those who wanted to see him fall. It had started with Svara, and symbolized the beginning of what had to be. That was why Lillith was here.

The man let a quiver run though his body as the woman’s name slithered into his conscience. He remembered her. Haku’s mother had failed to recognize her as what she was, but he had not. Four years later and they were now together again. The long wait was over.


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