MY next char, and I want your opinion
You know, I understand about the bullets and stuff. I already took care of that: he has an utility belt, with many pockets. He might use some to carry some bullets, he might find in that shooting club.

About the bear fighting, he will be hit and sent to a balconery, and bla bla bla, a bottles hurts him, bla bla bla... alll that stuff. I know, this may not be very realistic -at least not likely to happen- and so, but still.

His mental illness is not strong enough to let him that grade of serious damages, as he can't learn how to use a gun.
Two, the weapon is not that damged, just with some rusty pieces he gotta exchange for others. It's not that serious problem with it.

Sorry if it is too... shallow, but I'm just a bit too late for my English class XP
Gotta go, bye!

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