She wanted love
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His invitation was irrefutable. There was a silent plea in his eyes, a yearning that grew with every wound inflicted. Something beautiful was hiding within the depths of his mind, waiting for the right moment to wreak havoc upon to world. Lillith wanted to tame it and make it hers, too. Once again, she followed his guiding hand and moved closer to his throat. His pulse reverberated through her brain; the rhythm of his heart was mesmerizing. She was savoring every moment, inhaling his scent with fervor.

Her jaws parted, revealing two rows of pearly whites. She would make him hers; right here, right now. Sharp fangs pierced through his neck, puncturing the skin with an adept preciseness. Although critical veins and arteries had been avoided, his pain would be magnificent. The ashen femme did not retreat right away, obviously enjoying the tainted blood that slid down her throat. She’d never tasted anything like it before. It was strangely addicting. Greed kept her hanging on, long enough for her to enjoy a few more seconds of divine goodness.

Lillith felt his body starting to weaken, and that’s when she pulled away. A hand was brought up to his neck, where it applied firm pressure onto the wound. Running her tongue over the tip of her muzzle, she allowed her gaze to meet his once more. Her mind was still reeling from the experience. Words could not express how good it had been. “Have you had enough yet?” Because she could go on for days, if he wanted her to.


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