Its been a while
OOC: sorry my last post was in Svara's account XDD

She could see the concern in her brothers eyes. She really didn't want to tell him what she had done, or who she had done it with. chewing on her lower lip she thought about it looking at her brother ever so often. She was proud of what she had done with Rex. He had claimed her as his and the feeling of that had been thrilling to say the least. Taking a deep breath she started. "Rex is my mate. He claimed me back at the port when I was still around 6 months." She looked at her brother to see his reaction, she wouldn't tell him about the rape. He wouldn't understand why her male had done it.

"The rape and murder was just their way. Pirates have no rules, and some of them take what they can get. It's cut throat and thrilling." Getting up she let a smirk come onto her face. "Blood is really as red as the stories say it is." She whispered with her golden flecked eyes shinning. She wasn't sure her brother would understand, but at least she had kept the rape out of it. He wouldn't understand why Rex had did what he did.


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