You and I must fight for our rights
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Yeah that's fine with me Big Grin

He turned the sword over and over again in the sunlight, marveling at its beauty. He would use this sword to protect his pack and those he cared about. He would use it justly and with virtue. Now he would be able to serve his king more ably. Names ran through the youth's mind, but nothing seemed to jump out at him. Perhaps naming it right away wouldn't be appropriate? Were you supposed to wait until you had used it some? He couldn't recall if the books or stories had ever mentioned that. Maybe he just needed more time with it to discern its proper title. Now he wished he had a horse. While carrying the sword in his lupus form would be doable, it was certainly easier in his two legged body. The drawback with that was covering distances took much more time that way. Were there any tamable horses even around? It would be something he would have to look into.

With the roar of the ocean crashing in his ears he didn't hear someone was on the steps of the castle. He still had his sword drawn and held out before him, not even thinking that it might look threatening if someone he didn't know were to come upon him. Then one way he turned his new weapon made the sunlight reflect into his eyes. Moving the sword down to his side and blinking his eyes was when he finally noticed the dark woman in the distance. She appeared to be considering him wearily and he gaze went back to his sword. "Oh! Sorry! I hope I didn't startle you," he said as he moved to place the blade back in the scabbard on his back. He offered the lady a sheepish smile. "I didn't see you there. I mean no harm, I promise you. Knight's honor." He placed his hand over his heart and bowed his head.


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