Times of Healing

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Heath knew about scars, having many adorn most of his body. He found then threatening, menacing and a sign of a seasoned fighter. He loved them, and happily let them tell the tale of each battle he had won or lost. Their were prizes and memories. But while watching her, as he caught himself doing far too often, Heath looked over the wounds that she had been marred with. In his eyes they did not take away from her unique beauty, but as meaningful and fitting as they may be on his own figure they were certainly out of place marking her body. It left him unsettled, hoping that the cuts would heal and not become dark lines against the steal blue color of her fur. As he thought and listened she relaxed, the change in her posture was reassuring and made him feel more comfortable too.

There were others? Heath thought over the question, but there were others that were far more pressing. He wanted to know where she came form, what happened really happened in that shipwreck that left her so beaten and who her dear friend was and what he was to her if anything more then just a friend. He wanted to know how she became blind, and if she was more dog then wolf. He wanted to know everything, and the questions were bombarding his mind so much so that if they were all spoke he was sure that she would have run off far before the list could be completed. Her question came as he finally collected himself, and he scolded himself for not stopping her from changing the subject. He looked down, wishing that he didn’t need to think about himself. He was happy, once, thinking about someone other then himself.

My brother, sister and I have been spending a lot of time apart. My sister joined a park around here, led by our father. Heath paused there, finding that right way to say enough to explain without giving too much. But we don’t remember him as the leader he is now. He forgets that he was ever a monster. He wanted to tell her as she had been so honest with him and it felt so good to tell everything he had so far. But he only wanted to spare her the gruesome details that coincided with the story of his mother’s depredation and murder. In a moment he regretted the word, monster. His thoughts went to Haven, another young male that had a horrific sire. He had worried that he would be like his father, and in an instant Heath hoped that Ruri would not think he was or would be anything like his forebearer.

table by erin


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