On the cool breeze behind the sun
Why would the female bore Pendzez with her story. Hearing it made him feel sorry for her troubles and tough times. There were probably others with the same past. It was true that some people have problems with normal Lupercis because they were "impure". However, if there was a war between normal wolves and Lupercis, that would break the equilibrium between the relationships of the two kinds. Wolves and Lupercis live in packs together, some live in the wilderness. If the bond was to break, then Souls would be in a pit of war.

Pendzez continued to listen to her story until she finished. It was... moving, no boring. Pendzez looked at her with his red eyes. "That wasn't boring. I'm sorry that you had that trouble. If you right about one thing, it's that wolves and Lupercis should be treated equally. If not, then that breaks the equilibrium bond between them, then they will be in an endless war."

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