Skeleton Me, Love don't Cry
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I <3 you :3 300+

The girl seemed a bit shaken. Had a nightmare or something woken her? Savina knew how that could be. It hadn't happened in a very long time, but after her mother had died the scenes had haunted her nights. Her smiled widened as Mati called her "auntie". She didn't have any blood relation to the girl, but that didn't matter really. She had always considered her a niece, just as she considered Nani a sister. The drawing was quite good. She hadn't any idea that Mati had these talents. Sometimes she found herself wishing that she had been able to shift growing up and learn things like this. To have been able to have Lorenzo teach her more than just English. But she had been happy for the most part. Had a good childhood. That was what really mattered.

As she watched her niece grow silent after he question her mouth had become a straight line. The candlelight made the different shades of green dance in her eyes and made her worry even more apparent. The news about Haven was surprising. She had noticed that he hadn't been around for a while and had been growing concerned. What would cause him to leave Crimson Dreams? Though she knew not to ask Mati such questions. She knew how close she and her brother were. It didn't matter what the reason was, what mattered was that he was leaving. Savina understood that pain well. She had felt it when Ehno had decided to leave their birthpack to travel Europe. Though the news that someone had attacked the girl made her blood run cold for a moment. What kind of creature attacked a young girl? She didn't know who this Onus was, but she was thankful to him. For the life of her niece.

Savina slipped a slender arm around Mati's shoulders. "I'm so glad you're okay sweetie. What...did this wolf look like?" She wasn't going to go out looking for him, she knew how stupid that would be, but if he came around here she wanted to know. "If you're worried about the scars staying visible, they shouldn't. Your fur will grow back over them eventually. See," she said extending her free arm towards her. "Feel my forearm. You can feel them, but you can't see them." She didn't even know if Mati was worried about that, but maybe it would help her feel better. "I know how upsetting it can be to know your brother isn't going to be around all the time anymore. Back in Italy after we turned a year old, Ehno left to go on a trip. I didn't want him to leave, but I knew it was what he wanted and he wouldn't have been happy staying put. I missed him so much, but I just had to remember that it was best for him." She gave the girl a weak smile. "I know nothing can make that pain go away, but that might help. And I'm sure Haven's not going away. He wouldn't leave you behind."


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