Skeleton Me, Love don't Cry
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mati needs this. Big Grin, <3 u too

It was hard to talk to her mother about Haven, because then she would have to also recognize the rape and the pain as well as the father that had hurt them all. Maybe Savina would understand? But then, Mati wasn’t sure that she even wanted to say the words. There was obvious concern on her face, and though Mati never wanted to worry anyone she needed the attention of her Aunt. Her soft body fell into the other female. Her Aunt was only an adopted relative, but Mati was not a stranger to having relatives that held no blood connection. Her second mother was nothing more then a wolfess that loved her, and that was more then enough for the girl. Everyone was family here, and her hungry heart devoured those connections eagerly and held tight to those she loved. Her words were an extra blanket of comfort, though the question was still unsettling. But she described the attacker, Black coated, he almost looked like a magpie. With a ring of white around his neck and shoulders. But he was no bird, and held the weight o a wolf the size of Jazper. He had black eyes. And he was devote, soft spoken and to her humiliation... tempting.

She was quiet then, listening as Savina spoke of her own scars. Feeling the uneven skin under the soft fur of her slender arm Mati did feel a bit of relief. It would take time, but maybe her arms would heal. Savi spoke of Ehno, and how they hadn’t always been together. Mati felt a longing to be near her brother, but at the same moment she understood why he needed to be gone. There was a part of her that wanted to be gone too. She looked to the soft smile, and gave her own. I want him to be happy. Of course she did, but there was so much of her that wanted to be part of the things that made his life important. And she couldn’t help but feel left behind, as if he didn’t want to be part of all the things that would make her life one of significance. You found each other though… They were together again, and Mati knew that she and Haven had separate destinies. She wasn’t ready to absorb that fact completely. Haven promised to stay close, its momma... its what happened thats torn him apart. Eyes would not look at the midnight wolfess, but Mati knew the look that would be on her face.

table by Syd


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