You and I must fight for our rights
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It was a blessing that she had never seen his father or knew what the man looked like. Jac's speech and granting Haven his new station and title had pulled him out of the very deep hole that he had been in. The knowledge of what his father was and had done had been devastating to the boy. All his life he had striven to be something so good and with that revelation he had felt all those aspiration ripped from him. Perhaps he should not have reacted so harshly against himself, but that is what had happened. Someone bringing that shadow back over him would only have demoralized the boy. He didn't need that. He needed to be strong for his pack.

Haven grinned at the marked woman. "Yes, it's quite new. Already we have faced trials though. We may be small, but we have spirit." He knew now that his weaknesses were being revealed, but it was not in him to lie. He had only been knighted a few days before and knew little to nothing of combat. But as he had said of the pack, he had spirit. This was something he had wanted his whole life and now that it was in his hands he knew how precious a gift it was. He took his new place very seriously, hence why he had come to the castle this day in the first place. He may have been inexperienced, but he was eager to learn and work on his skills. He would not stop until he was proficient and he knew that would be his best ally in training.

The Aatte youth's head tilted slightly as she said the bird had no name. In his mind if a creature such as a bird decided to bond itself to a wolf then there was closeness of heart, but he did not see this in the pair before him. The mention of her Dream intrigued him as well. There were dreams like he had had, of being a knight, but it was obvious that her Dream was not the same. "Your Dream? What do you mean? If you don't mind my asking." Perhaps it was something deeply personal that she did not wish to divulge to someone she barely knew. Finally the question he had been fearing was spoken. His smile turned sheepish once again and one hand went to scratch the back of his neck. "Well, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a novice. I actually only just found this sword and have never fought with one before. Or...fought at all really," Oh, how silly he sounded now. "I know I don't know the ways of war and that probably makes me a poor knight, but I've held the ideals of this station close to me all my life and have striven for them. I just need to learn how to fight so I can defend those that depend on me." He hoped that Cwmfen wouldn't think him too foolish.


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