oh, for love we become larger than lifesize
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table3.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Lol, on an off switch! AMATAS A ROBOT OHNOES!!!1!1

He thought she might be "proud" of him for attempting to socialize more. He was beginning to find it humorous that whenever he was needed (a rarity in itself), all anyone had to do was check this room or the one they had upstairs. It was a good thing for Savina; he felt better knowing she could find him easily should she ever need him. But teaching members of their pack to read had been a good experience for the Sadira boy. He now knew more about how much one individual could differ from another. How to act around different wolves. Perhaps it would flood into his interactions with those he really cared about.

He could not stop himself from smiling ever so widely when his lover complimented him. She had almost total control over how he felt - she could smile and he'd be happy. Shed a tear and his whole world would fall apart. As she continued, he lent himself to even more complete serenity. ...That's what I was thinking. It'd be a good way for me to... engage. A small laugh escaped his lips. He felt something moving against him and looked down at Gotham. For an instant Kansas was alarmed, not sure of why his son was moving so erratically while he slept. But he realized even before Savina spoke that the boy was in a different world. I wonder what he's seeing. Kansas couldn't imagine. I can't believe it either. They're so... perfect. One could argue to him that nothing was perfect. But he wouldn't have believed it.


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