Skeleton Me, Love don't Cry
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She was glad that Mati felt comfortable enough to talk about this with her. Savina knew how important it was to talk things over when something traumatic had happened to you. Perhaps that was why it had taken her so long to begin the healing process after he mother's death. Until she had come to Twilight Vale and spoken with it to Naniko, she hadn't said a word of what had happened to anyone. It had just been eating away inside of her and she hadn't had any support net to catch her and help her through it. She listened to the description of Mati's assailant and stored it in her memory. She couldn't imagine someone with pure black eyes. This wolf sounded terrifying. If she saw him around Crimson Dreams she would raise the alarm and they would face him with their full strength. "He can't hurt you while you're here. We won't let him."

The fingers of the arm that was wrapped about her niece gently stroked the fur of her shoulder. "I know you do. I know how conflicted you must feel. You want the best for them, yet you don't want them to be far from you." The bond between a brother and sister was something special. Something that you couldn't really understand unless you knew it firsthand. "Yes we did. But for a very long time I thought I might never see him again. It was a happy accident that we both ended up here and everyday I'm thankful for it. But even if he did not live in this pack and still lived in this area I would be happy." She wasn't trying to scold Mati for wanting her brother in Crimson Dreams and her tone held no such hint. It was only natural for her to want him as close as possible.

Then the reason for Haven's absence became abundantly clear. Savina had no idea how he had found out. She hadn't told him and was certain no one else in the pack would have. But that didn't matter. He knew now, and so did Mati and they had to learn to deal with the ugly truth of their sire. "I can't imagine how hard that must be for him...and you." The femme had huge problems with her own father, but even he hadn't done something so despicable. Poor Haven even looked like Conri. Though she had never seen that man she hated when she looked at the boy. He was too good.


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