Geneva flicked her ears against her head as the wind howled, picking up and sending a scurrying of sound crashing through her ears. She hunched her shoulders for a moment, wincing when thunder rumbled in the sky. She would never admit it, but she hated the sound of thunder looming in the storm. It had frightened her as a child. And as an adult, she had never come to enjoy it. She could tolerate it, somewhat, but she still had the tendency to jump if she wasn't paying attention. Perhaps it had to do with instinct, perhaps just innate character. Either way, Geneva hated sudden loud noises.

The wolfess cast her eyes back to look at the ranch, turning her head over her uninjured shoulder. She loved the building. She appreciated solitude, but loved that DaVinci, Addison, and Jefferson were frequent visitors or inhabitants of the ranch house. It made her feel useful to be around the place. And it made her secure to know that there were others around. Even though she was avoiding the Patriarch, the knowledge that he would close made her feel much better.

"I especially like the library," she confided in Vukasin. She could sit for hours and read. She also loved to write in her journal, reflecting on her experiences. She nodded to the newcomer. "Have you ever lived inside a human built structure?" she asked. She had grown up in a city, and had lived in a far different building. Even the ranch had taken some adjusting to, but she found that she liked it.

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