Skeleton Me, Love don't Cry
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She did feel safe, while inside the walls of the manor. But then she had thought the classroom was safe too, but that place was tainted now. Its floors covered with her, and the monsters blood. Mati wanted her home to stay as sacred as she believed it was, no spilled blood, no monsters. She did believe that they would stop him, they were powerful when together and even she could fight while beside the pack. Their numbers would be strength and even the dark couldn’t match such a thing. I know that. She spoke with a small smile, reassuring Savina that she felt the security that she and her mothers fought for daily.

Fingers felt the binding of the sketch book as her Aunt spoke, talking of Haven. And it was all true, the happiness that she hoped to feel for him. She wanted to be happy too, but she was also having second thoughts on whether she could find it within their pack. Mati wanted to, desperately. But there was doubt. I want to be happy for him, its so hard for him to be away. And then I worry, and try to be happy all at the same moment... How could she even try, Mati thought while looking down at the tight wrappings around her arms. She couldn’t expect to find that now, she would have to wait. She would have to find patience. She would have to heal.

Mati could only become the victim, and that was a hard realization and reality to face. She had been close to it, and it frightened her far more now. But, Haven… His fear was greater, to could become the thing that she feared. It was impossible, but she could not instill that truth in him, he would have to find it. He has to do this, but it hurts so much. Mati concluded, no matter how right it was, it hurt. The girl took a deep breath, looking to the other femme in the eye and recognized the comfort that was filtering into her body. She smiled, a new trust in the knowledge that the future was going to be painful and hard. But that she had support.

Looking down, Mati touched her Aunt's arm lightly. Where did you get your scars? Maybe someday someone would ask her the same question, Mati wondered if she would tell the truth.

table by Syd


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