can you fake it for just one more show
She could barely feel the pain of his fangs as they sliced into her flesh and he attempted to bring her down. She tried to push back with her muscles of her hind legs as he drove her back. Hopping to try and keep her footing he finally managed to topple her as she snarled in rage as her fangs were ripped free of the flesh she'd claimed on the male. She felt her body twist and turn almost instinctively as she tried to right herself upon falling. Her silver grey eyes flashed as she could feel the breath of the male near her face as he tried to lay claim to her muzzle. Instead of turning away and exposing her throat to the male she thrust her fangs right back into his own maw, her teeth closing over his muzzle as she snarled, putting more weight on his face and neck muscles as she used her grip on the male to right herself.

In a flash she let go of the male's muzzle but wasn't quick enough as his own fangs sought retribution for the damage she'd caused. She could feel the hot searing pain as she felt one of his canines slicing across the back of her ear and along her neck. With a quick jerk she stumbled away from the male to regain herself as she began to circle the beast, to survey the damage done as well as to try and give her a moment to think.

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