It's My Heart Your Dealing With

ten thousand apologies for the delay. summer school is being rather demanding

Although the sunshine and pollen had made her indolent, Alacrity shook off the worst of her grogginess as soon as it became apparent that she would have some company on this fine spring day. A smile came to her lips, part pleasure and part excitement; she'd not yet had much contact with the natives of this place. Using the smile to camouflage the resulting nervousness, the African canine beamed her response. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Anu. My name's Alacrity." If her appearance hadn't been enough to suggest it, speech confirmed Alacrity's foreign status. She was clearly a student of English with all of the related quirks. She spoke clearly and smoothly, but somewhat slowly as if each sentence required thought. And of course, there was no hiding an accent as thick as hers.

Alacrity pushed herself up into a seated position, oversized ears swiveling out of habit as she did so. It was unnecessarily awkward to converse laying down. Not only was the other shifted and upright, but larger by default as well. "The flowers here are lovely." She nodded to the one Anu currently caressed. "What are they called?"


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