Tomorrow seems so far away
She lowered her head to cover Conor's as she could feel the tears threatening to spill again as that one word was brought into the conversation. She shook her head as one lonely tear coursed down her cheek and splashed onto Conor's nose. She pulled the boy away from her chest as she looked at him and frowned, the sadness in her eyes more than apparent. "Because if you come with me the whole pack wouldn't rest until they got you back. They don't believe that you should be anywhere near me... and I can't risk anything happening to you.." Her voice began to tremble as she finished. "I'm sorry Conor.."

There was really nothing more she could say, she couldn't make the boys understand just what she'd done or how wrong it had been. She'd done what she could to try and make their father understand just how he'd continued to hurt their little family but it'd only drove them further apart. If Alexey hadn't found them.. perhaps things would be different but she couldn't change the past now.

She just sighed and pulled Conor close again and she dropped her head in defeat. She didn't know what to do anymore. She didn't belong here.

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