can you fake it for just one more show
The collision wasn't something the beast's jaws could overcome. Its teeth were ripped brutally from the black wolf's side as a new challenger entered the battle. With all of the inertia of the new wolf's charge, his teeth penetrated the big wolf's shaggy main easily, closing on the meat of the predator's thick neck, while simultaneously tearing it off of his packmate. The monster scrambled and rolled, yelping and snarling as it dug its hindlegs into the earth to gain leverage, trying to maneuver its own teeth into the neck of its assailant. The hold of the newcomer was strong, and solid enough that the monster had difficulty, twisting those foreign fangs in its own neck while it sought powerfully, but fruitlessly, for a target of its own.

After several moments of scuffling, the brown and gray wolf resorted to its favored tactic, and began trying to press the fight into the ground once more. It wasn't as easy with a foe who was equal in size, and so the muscles in its legs and back and even its punctured neck strained for long while against the strength of its enemy before it finally succeeded in overbalancing DaVinci, and body slamming the both of them viciously into the ground. The hold on its neck was had been bucked loose, and it quickly took to its feet again, feral stamina and strength refusing to tire, refusing to wear down.

Despite its bulk (it wasn't as tall as DaVinci and so was more solid in frame), the predator was hellishly quick, and launched into a run almost immediately once the window was open. The newcomer's hold had been broken, and a heartbeat later, the beast was kicking dust into his face as it sprinted for the border.

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