can you fake it for just one more show
Miriette had begun to feel her strength waver as she began to slow down and loose sight of the monster as she escaped into the dunes. DaVinci soon caught up with her and had begun to pass her by when she felt her foreleg give out from under her as she cried out. Floundering in the sands she tried to stand up and once more just crashed back down into the soft cradle of the grains of the dunes. She called out after DaVinci, not knowing if she could make it back to the beach on her own. "DaVinciiii!" Her heavily accented voice echoing over the dunes as she was left there.

It didn't take her long to try again to move to her legs as she finally was able to get all four feet off the ground. She couldn't put much weight on the one limb and began to limb off back towards the beach, remembering that they had left the poor girl alone, not knowing if she would be able to survive the salvaging that the bastard had delivered to the baby.

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