You and I must fight for our rights
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He nodded at her words, for he knew they were true. A pack must face trails or they will never truly be strong and close. Now he knew the trial that his birth pack had faced at its formation, though he did not like to think of it. Perhaps that was why Crimson Dreams was so strong, because they had faced such an awful event but had pushed forward and made themselves strong. He hoped that Cour des Miracles would be as lucky as his original pack. At times he still had to remind himself that Crimson Dreams was not his home anymore, though he knew that he would always have a place there. "You should! I would be happy to show you around." Little did the Aatte boy know that Cwmfen was not on the best terms with some of his new packmates. He knew that Firefly and Svara had faced hardships, but had no inkling of the details.

Haven was glad that his question had not been intrusive and even more glad that she was willing to explain. He listened quietly, taking in her words and processing them with care. Her explanation was very deep and spiritual. Understanding himself was something that he was working towards now. When he had learned of his father's misdeeds his whole perception of himself had been thrown. He worried of becoming like his sire, of hurting the people he cared for most. Now he more or less believed that he would never do such things (though that fear would always linger in his mind) and he was working on figuring out who he was again. "I see. I think I understand," he said with a smile. "That is very interesting. I'm working on understanding myself. I just got out of a very...unpleasant time in my life." Unpleasant was putting things meekly.

He waited somewhat hesitantly for her response to his admission of inexperience, but at her words a warmth rose in his chest. She saw potential in him, and right now that meant a great deal to the young hybrid, especially from a warrior such as herself. It may have been easy for ones not of such a profession to see potential, but they did not know. She would, and he knew that she was not jesting and was being truthful. As to dropping all his notions of battle, that would be easy, for he had few if any. Arrogance had never been a problem of his thankfully. Haven's smile broadened as she officially offered to help him. "I will be forever grateful to you, Cwmfen." That said he set his bag on the ground and undid the buckle that held the scabbard to his back. He pulled out his longsword again and set the scabbard with his bag. He gripped the blade with both hands and held it in front of him, waiting for the lesson to begin.


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