miracles will happen as we dream;
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerx.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
His family meant everything to him (no matter how screwed up they all were). But true love was still unknown to him, even at the age of five. He envied her in a way. The Québécois often found himself wondering if he’d die a lonely man. The thought was morbid, but it was probability. “Genève? What does love feel like?” he questioned immediately, wondering if his pack mate would be able to explain how it felt. Although he’d read books on the subject, Geneva’s input would be much better. Just because talking to her made it real.

Her explanation made sense. The alabaster male could understand how love could be a choice, but he’d never considered it as such. Now that she’d mentioned it though, he found himself questioning his own beliefs on the subject. Honoré had always assumed “feelings” and “love” were one of the same. He wasn’t so sure anymore. “But feelings are not meant to be controlled,” he murmured, absent-mindedly carving shapes on the wooden table with one of his claws. His voice was distant as he assimilated the information provided by his packmate. Love was a complicated thing, obviously. Just thinking about it made his head spin.


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