First Lady From the Plains
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“Of course I wouldn’t eat you Zana. No one in Dahlia eats other canines.” Cercelee was taken aback by the suggestion of cannibalism. The subject was taboo, a grave sin no matter what beliefs one might subscribe too, and why would this child have such an idea in her head? Even more concerning was Coli’s cool reaction to the girl’s inquiry and it struck Cercelee then that the two knew each other, perhaps even well. Navy eyes floated from one face to the other and the two year old wolf was suddenly very much reminded how far removed her and Coli were from one another.

Their lives, which had once been so intermingled and connected, were now worlds apart. Always in her heart she had thought of Coli as her friend, best friend, and she had believed the girl would return to her. Cercelee had waited, waited, waited and while she waited she had lived her life. Dahlia de Mai had sprung up, Slay had entered her life and so many others had filled voids that Coli had left. Never once did she stop to think that while she was living her life, she was growing further apart from her friend. And now Coli was back and there was suddenly a gap that Cercelee didn’t know how to close.

Once upon a time Cercelee would not have hesitated. All her worries and concerns, every tiny trouble Cercelee felt, would have come rushing out at the bidding of her friend. Now she regarded Coli and debated on how much to tell her. The troubles of Haku, the troubles caused by Haku, were a scary subject to unleash, and Coli would know that Cercelee was not the type to bend beneath the weight of silly matters. Coli didn’t know Slay, and didn’t really know the children either. Not like she should. What was there to say. “Nothing is wrong.” A deliberate, and obvious lie.

Again her eyes floated to Zana and back to Coli and Cercelee settled herself down on her haunches, her tail wrapped nonchalantly about her feet. Speaking to Coli, as much as she wanted to, seemed strange and foreign to her. She wanted to know her friend again, but had no idea how to start. Titling her head to coyote child, she smiled softly, her voice curious and light. “How do you know Coli?” She looked back to her friend, her cousin, a stranger.


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