A Paper Thin Hymn

WC: 500+
ooc: Aw, thank you (but your writing is better!)... and thanks again for making me a beautiful avatar! ^_^

lost into the weight of gravity

A light zephyr chased through the petals, ruffling the deep blue of the periwinkle, the burnt yellow of the goldenrod, the delicate white of bishop's lace. Perhaps in time, if the flowerbeds were left to run wild, all of the wildflowers would spread in a sea of colour, engulfing their plain dirt paths and grass yards. She liked the idea. It was somewhat of a novelty, growing things to make others smile. Usually it was a very private habit - she needed the feeling that something relied on her to survive, that she was needed. That was how it started. That was why she didn't leave the cabin, years ago, when she had been left to die there. She had begun a secret garden, and it needed her. Only when the cruel chill of winter had claimed all of their lives had she slunk away into the woods, searching for any remnants of the life she had known. Clouded Tears was gone. But there was a new pack to replace it, one named after a flower...

Coli blinked, her mind returning to the present. She shouldn't let it wander, not when chance had stumbled right into her backyard. Her pulse was racing, as quickly as the wings of the hummingbird she was named after. Anu had looked away from her, when she asked her question. Was that a bad sign? Had she said something wrong? But her fears were assuaged moments later, with a simple affirmation.

Then Anu crouched, lowering herself to the ground and evaporating her unwittingly intimidating position. Coli exhaled a breath she didn't realize she was holding, and stepped delicately between the rows of plants to kneel at Anu's side. Her blue eyes lingered on the graceful curves of the werewolf's slender form, her fingertips recalling the soft touch of her pale fur. So close, so close! She had been dreaming of this reunion since the night they had slipped away from each other - so many questions unanswered, so many chances she let go. And yet, both of them kept gently side-stepping what they really wanted to talk about. (Or was it only burning fervently in Coli's mind, and Anu was content with a simple visitation?) "Take them," she blurted, without a second thought. "If... if you really want them, I mean... They can grow in your garden instead..." She swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling too close. It would be too hard to hide a look of disgust from this proximity. She would be able to tell if she was being rejected. Averting her eyes, she whispered, "On t-two conditions... One, if... if that means I get to see your garden too... and... two..." She reached to the stem of the lady's slipper, her claw gently following its path to the soft soil. She would gladly give up every plant she had collected, if it meant Anu would agree to either one of her conditions. She licked her lips anxiously, murmuring the second half of her plea. "...you promise that when you look at it, you'll think of me..."


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