a drop of treason
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DaVinci. (: 300+

Common sense told her to stay away from Phoenix Valley, but there were some things that needed taken care of. Lexey had so many questions; none of which she had an answer to. Firefly’s exclusion from Dahlia de Mai had fixed a few problems, but not all of them. Images of a frail-looking pup continuously plagued her subconscious, to the point where sleeping had become nothing but wishful thinking. Conor had nearly died in her arms that day; she remembered it quite vividly. His eyes had been so hollow, completely devoid of emotion. Just thinking about it still sent shivers up her spine. Alexey would often point fingers and blame others for the pain he’d suffered; his mother was the main villain. But part of it was also DaVinci’s fault. He’d lied to her about the children’s whereabouts; he’d ruined their friendship beyond salvation.

What had she done to deserve such a thing? From him, of all people! The Koios girl didn’t know what to think anymore. And for a moment, she wondered what her reasons for seeking him out were. Perhaps she needed to confront him; to let him know how much he’d hurt her. How much she hated him for betraying her trust. She was angry with the world; it felt like nobody really cared, not even Drey. Both Stormbringer siblings had vanished without a word; no goodbyes, no explanations. Nothing. And for some reason, one that didn’t make much sense at all, she blamed DaVinci for that too. Just because he was a man, and men were terrible creatures.

Proper ethics did not matter to her, not here. A husky male had physically harmed her, and whatever respect she’d once had for Phoenix Valley was now gone. The latte femme stepped right over the border and threaded deeper into claimed territory; honey-hued eyes on the lookout for the Savant.


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