gone fishing
Ty had been out near the stream taking a nap near a tree. Now that he had become part of the pack and wasn't exactly given a daily task to do, he didn't really have to do anything to really do besides run around the countryside, explore, and sleep, so it's what he did every day. He knew he'd get bored of it eventually, but right at the moment, it was relaxing. He'd been doing nothing but surviving, fighting, and working for so many months, some rest and relaxation did him good. His chest rose and fell softly as he slept, the sun shining off his short, fuzzy golden-orange fur, almost glimmering slightly, his youth appeared most in his coat then any other feature. He had explored a lot of the old terrain today, seeing more of his old memories and whatnot, by the time he got here, he was ready for a nap.

However, his sleep was disturbed by some nearby splashing, and he awoke with a small start when the water hit his face. He stirred and groaned slightly as his sight slowly came into focus, shielding his face now from the rather annoying sunlight. After blinking a few times and rubbing his eyes, he finally noticed a wolf, one younger then him. splashing around in the water. He then sat up and sighed, although he was upset he was awakened, but he knew there was no reason to be mad at her, she obviously hadn't even seen him there.As he awoke more he noticed she seemed to be battling something in the water, he could vaguely see the figure of a fish in the water trying to get away from her.

After stretching his body and rising groggily to his feet, he slowly lumbered over to the side of the stream, and simply watched the young girl fight with the fish. He didn't really say anything, no need to surprise her. He chuckled though when he watched her get out the the water, quickly groom herself, then jump right back in.

When she got back into the water, Ty finally spoke out. "Are you having fun?" He asked with a small snicker.

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