even Judas knew he had lied
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"Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near," she immediately countered, her voice firm and unwavering. The Book of Revelations was engraved in the back of her mind. Life itself was cluster of enigmas, one giant cryptogram, and that book was the answer to everything. She’d been taught how to read for one specific reason; to assimilate and use John’s writings to her advantage. While she didn’t particularly believe in any religion, the Apocalypse was very real to her. The visionary’s teachings had revolved around the final judgment and what could be done to achieve salvation.

Gabriel had already proved himself. He was one in a million, just like his father had been. It suddenly became painfully obvious that she didn’t know the Aquila, or what he believed in. Were they meant to be allies or enemies? She wanted to idolize him and make him her new Ahren. It was too early to tell if such a thing was possible though. “I plan on sticking around,” she said pointedly, searching his face for a reaction. Her statement was in fact an invitation. She would take up residence close to Inferni, somewhere in the Dampwoods. And then maybe, just maybe, he’d seek her out like she hoped he would.


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