gone fishing
Ty heard another voice after the slippery scaly morsel escaped his grasp, he heard another female's voice. He turned to face the new voice, only to be greeted by a splash of water. He felt the rather surprising splash of cold hit his face before he even had time to react, and shivered slightly as he felt the cold wind brush against his newly-wet fur. Wiping the water out of his eyes, then shaking his fur, he caught the figure of a white wolf, giggling and apologizing as it had jumped into the water with the two of them. Judging by the voice, it was a woman, he didn't know where she came from, but was more then happy to welcome her to the fishing fun.

"Well...nice to meet you, and feel free to join...I'm Tyrone, but call me Ty." He said as he shook his head again and returned to fishing. Still attempting his method of fishing, remaining still not to disturb the fish. Of course, having three people in the stream made it easier, as the fish would have a harder time avoiding all three of them. Taking careful aim, he spotted a rather large one swimming near his leg. He took careful aim, inhaled deeply, and waited. Once the fish got close enough, his hand darted into the water, but this time he grasped the fish with a much tighter grip. His claws actually embedded into the fishes flesh. Pulling it out of the water, he grinned and said "Got one!"

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