Sleep Provides No Rest
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Still waters run deep

Ruri listened intently to Firefly's description of this, land of green she seemed so fond of. Colors had no real meaning to the girl although she had come to learn that green, when describing nature usually meant that the plants were nice and healthy to the touch. Her understanding of green was that green meant nice soft grass to ly down on, instead of brown which meant itchy, prickly grass. She didn't remember Jac telling her about any stay in a place called London. Of course, that made sense if he hadn't even remembered how he had come to know Firefly and Da'Vinci. He had just remembered that he knew them. The bits and pieces of the story were all filling in now that Firefly was telling the story. The short little lupus remained contentedly reclined on her haunches beneath the tree as she listened to Firefly. She'd asked another question about Jac, which made Ruri have to think for a moment. She'd known Jac almost her entire life, and having to describe him in just a few sentences was hard for her. Still, she somehow managed to formulate an answer,"Like I said earlier, he's always been very protective of me. He commanded a lot of respect in our old home. He is a king after all. Everywhere we went, people knew him. Most people were nice to us when we sailed into port, but occasionally someone would try and push Jac's buttons which he'd usually beat him up for. You probably know that he doesn't like to be disrespected," she laughed when she spoke. The only person had usually allowed to argue with him on the crew was her. If anyone else on the crew disagreed with their king and captain, they would either do so silently or face punishment. Ruri didn't know what those punishments had been, she only knew that the crew didn't like them and as such obeyed without question. Ruri finally halted her brief fit of laughter, her voice taking on a calm tone once more as she resumed her answer, "Time's were tough down south. There wasn't much food to go around and I remember the crew having to ration food in between port stops. Things were really bad just before we left and decided to come up here. I remember once we didn't eat for two days because we ran out of food mid-voyage. Somehow, Jac always managed to keep us going, though. When he finally decided we would set sail for these lands, everyone on the crew was so convinced he didn't even have to give a speech. They all consented as soon as he said we were leaving." She smiled and shook her head when she remembered how Jac had almost insisted on giving a stirring speech in an attempt to rally the crew. She'd had to stop him so that they could get the voyage underway in a hurry. The blind collie girl wagged her feather-furred tail contentedly as she thought about her times with Jac. Her smile faded briefly as she thought of how much she missed him. However, she was quickly back to focusing on her conversation with Firefly. No need to fret about her problems at the moment.


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