Times of Healing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

Finally the silence had been broken. The slate and ivory femme gave a silent sigh of relief as Heath asked his question. She hadn't been able to think a question of her own, and he had now saved their conversation. She didn't want it to be over just yet. If it ended, he'd leave and then she'd be alone again, with just her thoughts to keep her company until either Firefly, Svara, or Leroy came home. The delicate female didn't want that...not yet. So, with her pupil-less eyes gleaming happily, the girl answered his question. "I'm from a land far to the south of this place. My friend was the captain of a ship until recently, when we got shipwrecked. Prior to that we would sail all over, to several areas in a place my friend called the Caribbean Sea. It was a lot warmer down there, and much more humid. Jacquez, my friend, has taken care of me for almost my whole life. I wouldn't be here without him. He's like family to me," she finished, her voice growing more quiet and sullen when she talked about Jac. Oh, how she missed him. Before she sank all the way back into her depression, Ruri managed to quite literally shake herself out of it. The fragile optime shook her head vigorously, her long hair shaking from side to side along with her head.

"Sorry about that. I had to stop myself," she stuttered, in embarrassment. "What about you? Are you from around here?" she asked, attempting to again recover the conversation by turning his question back to him, with slight modifications. Constantly reversing someone's own questions on them was surely a horrid way to make friends, or so Ruri thought. It was obvious she didn't want this conversation to end, and she hated feeling so desperate. However, Heath hadn't run off yet, so perhaps he didn't really mind. It was sweet of him to stay, of that she was sure.


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